Self Sabatoge
Many things prevent people from completing their goals. One of the biggest ones that I think is Self-Sabotaging habits. Not recognizing them and continue doing them.
Self-sabotaging habits are things that we do and may not be aware of. I’m going to give you a few of the predominant ones. You must recognize and be able to recreate them in your mind to put something in its place instead of that.
Some of the self-sabotaging habits are:
• Procrastination
• Self-Condemning
• Isolation
• Martyrdom
• Self-criticizing
• Being on autopilot (doing stuff like eating without thinking)
Procrastination is a big one for me. That will prevent me from being successful if I am not careful. For instance, I had an upcoming workshop, and I knew the things I had to do. I had my outline and time frame. But I ended up putting together the materials at the last minute. If it had not been for my husband helping me with the binders and it might not have turned out nice. That was my fault because I could have done that stuff way earlier.
1. Procrastination is indecision. It is not making the decision that would help combat that procrastination. You must decide to do your tasks, and it will get rid of the procrastination.
2. Self-condemning is telling yourself that you’re not good at something. You don’t do it because you’re not good at it or you can’t. That word “can’t” will come up for those people that are self-condemning.
3. Isolation comes up because you don’t want to be ridiculed or put down, so you isolate yourself. Isolation leads not to communicate or to connect with people. Criticism is something like condemning. You’re always criticizing yourself. Telling yourself that you didn’t do something well, you can’t do this, or you’re not a good person. And that you don’t have enough knowledge or experience.
4. You are putting yourself on autopilot. It looks like, eating without thinking. It’s also like doing things because it’s habitual without planning or being purposeful.
All of those are some self-sabotaging areas that if you don’t recognize when you’re doing it, it will prevent you from achieving your goal.
You need to sit down right now and write down:
• Procrastination
• Self-Condemning
• Isolation
• Martyrdom- is something that I see people doing by putting themselves out there. Taking a hit when you don’t need it. They are always volunteering to do something at the sacrifice of their health, own time and not taking care of themselves.
• Self-criticizing
• Autopilot
• Not planning
Write these down so you can recognize them. Then look at those things and sometimes recognized in your life when you were in any of those self-sabotaging habits. Try looking at yourself as a monitor. This way you can recognize when they come up, reflect on creating positive habits to replace them. You can pre-plan to make sure you don’t procrastinate.
We are people that have opportunities to use our minds to override our flesh.
God can help you.