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"Empowering women to Master Their Goals, Happiness & Life"
Pamela Peté’s Vision for You
There is a scripture in Peter that states
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace…”
YOU CAN BE THE HAPPIEST YOU HAVE EVER BEEN! I have opened my gift and I am giving it to others. There is a saying it is better to give than to receive. I am telling you the joy is in the giving. It’s your gift, and not to take it to the grave with you as the late Dr. Myles Monroe a very inspiring pastor, preached.
The graveyard is the richest place because of all the treasure buried there with people. They never opened or shared their God-given gift.
There are so many people who have that gift burning like a small ember that just needs to be fanned into flame. I run into people every day, who know they have that burning inside them to write, to build, to carry out a service, but, they are afraid. Afraid of what people will say, what they might look like pursuing such a non-mediocre goal. They think it is too big, not obtainable too fantastic of a dream.
With God, all things are possible, if you believe.
Do you believe?
If you say you can or if you say you can’t, you are right.
Masterful Purpose Mission Statement
God willing the mission of Masterful Purpose, LLC. Is to fan into flames the gifts of God and ignite goal achievement in millions of people, thru coaching, transitional speaking, poetry, and prose.
Pam Pete’s Experience
Pamela is a California native. She is a Chief Master Sergeant (Retired) Air Force Veteran, CEO of Masterful Purpose, LLC, and PDP Photography, former President of Inland Empire Kiwanis, founder of “Wisdom Readers” literary program, founder of “M2G Usafi Ahadi” a Christian girl’s empowerment organization and author of “Masterful Purpose Daily and Goal Action Planner and Planner Guide.
My goal in starting Masterful Purpose was to help people discover their God-given, gift, talent and destiny. Connected to your gift is your goals. Your goals are the reason you were born. God put us on this earth for his purpose and his purpose for you is in your gift. Your gift is what you are good at doing.
You are good at your gift because you enjoy whatever is your gift. When you are good at something and you enjoy it, you will master it and all else, money, fame, peace, riches (whatever, riches means to you) will come to you.
Many and I would dare to say most people are afraid of success. It doesn’t matter what they say, the fact is proven by actions. Most of us, and I was there too, get used to our norm and comfortable living in lack. God wants for us his very best.
My gift is poetry, speaking, and coaching. It is what I have done since I was very young. I went around the career world, doing all kinds of jobs and came full circle back to what I was called to do, poetry, speaking, and coaching.
My hope is to help others not take that journey. That trip was a 50 year, trip and it didn’t have to be if I had only stayed true to my calling that I had since age 10.
I found the key to achieving my goals, dreams, and destiny. With my whole heart, I want to share what I learned to help others shorten their trip to success. My coaching and workshops developed for those who are really, ready for achievement and results is my way of giving back.