Renewing Your Mind
Make up your mind!
Step out on faith.
Let me share a Word with you.
It says in Romans 12:2 Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
God wants a perfect will for our lives.
Move it!
When you make up your mind, you are 100% towards something.
Sometimes jockeys use prodders or buzzers to make the horse run faster when they are in a race. We all need to be prodded occasionally, to get moving. However, you can perform at 100% when you make up your mind.
Some people in your life can limit your beliefs like family, teachers, friends. Pay close attention to how you use social media. Seek out positive mentors that are successful in what you are aiming to achieve.
Our emotions can keep us from having the mindset to do the things we set out to do. Stay focused.
What is faith without fear?
Everybody has a fear of the unknown. If you have a goal that you want to do, don’t think about owning one franchise, think about all the franchises you can own.
Remember, your gift is not for you. It’s for others.
When you make up your mind to do something. Step out with faith and do it. Don’t wait until you are in a corner.
Make up your mind! Get all those fears out of your mind.
It’s very important to sit down for a few minutes and meditate on what you’ve been thinking about lately.
• What thoughts came to mind about your goals?
• What did you daydream about today?
• What, if any, were your negative thoughts?
• What possibilities did you think about today?
If you think and believe that you will do something, you will.
You make it if you have the mindset.
So many people don’t even attempt to hone their gifts. See yourself in the stars. Everybody that is a star imagined themselves to be a star.
When you fall, you get up. For when you get up, you never fail.
We are representing God, and God is the Highest. We are ambassadors, and we represent Him as Kings and Queens. We are representing the very best.
There is a story of a man at an international track meet. It was a long-distance track meet. He was in the lead. He was running so fast that he fell and hurt himself. He got up and continued running. The track had ended. People had gone home, except for a few people. Hours passed by, but he finished the race.
We all can finish the race. No matter how many times we fall, get up.
Proverbs 24:16 says, though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up. So, if you get up, you can finish. It is never over until it is over.
Only you can say it is over.
What are your plans for the next 2-5 years?