4 Tips On How To Make Your Life Count Every Day
4 Tips On How To Make Your Life Count Every Day.
Did you know you are living on measured time? That seems like an obvious question, right?
But do you live with an awareness of this truth?
Each one of us has a specific measure of time that is only known to God. Tomorrow is unknown. How different would you live if you were aware that your time is soon running out? Truthfully, none of us knows how much time we have on our hourglass, so you might as well go ahead and make your life count every day.
Four tips on how you can make your life count every day.
1. Love: Live out every day as an ambassador of love. Don’t postpone those things that you can do today to communicate love to the people around you; Send that thank you note, make that ‘checking on you’ call, make that visit, and deliver that gift. Let your loved ones know that you love them every opportunity you get.
2. Drop the pettiness: There are so many trivial things if allowed, that can affect your harmonious living. Decide every day to celebrate the good in people regardless of their bad side. Everybody has faults that they are working on, do not focus on them. Choose to ignore apprehensions that are not a matter of life and death and celebrate the good in others.
3. Be thankful: If only you were to look intentionally, each day brings so many good things for which you can be grateful. Choose to be thankful for the positive things happening in your life and the life of others around you. That way you can make your life count. A thankful life has a way of attracting more things to be grateful for. In the Masterful Purpose Goal and Daily Action Planner and Guide, there is a section for you to list your blessings daily. You can reflect on all the ways God loves you looking back on your blessings, whenever you feel down.
4. Forgive: Whether you like it or not, people will hurt you in one way or another. They will act mean, say hurtful words, break trust, take advantage of your kindness, etc. And you will hurt others too. Decide not to hold on to hurtful memories no matter how fresh and open they are. Some of you might never trust again, but do not hold that sin in the jail of un-forgiveness. If you hold on to someone’s faults and mistakes, both of you are chained.
Choose freedom every day. Live every day as if it were your last. Do the good things you would do today as if tomorrow is not guaranteed because, indeed, it’s not. Check out my Facebook videos for more tips More Tips
And remember to “Wake up on purpose, Your Masterful Purpose”