Mastering Your Words
Do you think before you speak?
I wrote a poem for you, you guessed it!
It’s called: Master your words
The “little member” scripture says can determine your whole life
It can make life full of joy or bring your life strife
The choice is yours on how you live
You’re planning every day
Your harvest will be evident, by the fruit of the words you say
You must master your words.
You say words that are so powerful and maybe don’t realize it.
The word of God says in, (Proverbs 18:21 KJV) Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
What type of fruit are you eating?
That means you can build somebody up or you can tear them down, by the words you speak. We do it unconsciously. We can and do tear ourselves down by the words that we say. Words are so powerful!
In the Bible, (John 1:1) says, In the beginning, was the word, and the word was God. Words are things.
We’re magnets to the words that we say.
For instance, if you are speaking positive words, those are things you are drawing back into your life.
If you say words like:
• You make me sick!
• Nobody likes me
• You’re killing me
• I’m not getting this job
• I’m never reaching my goal
If you are speaking lack, you are bringing that to your life.
It’s like planting seeds. Thus, resulting in, reaping what you sow.
Remember, when you think about how hard something is. Pay attention to how you say the same things all the time.
I implore you to overcome any challenge by just putting forth the effort to being committed to doing it. We will be accountable for the words we say when we return to God.
“Just like the Israelites that were in the desert for 40 years moving around in a circle of about a 3-mile radius.”
You will find yourself just like the Israelites, going through the same things over and over.
Some time ago I was in a desert and didn’t realize it. I had been studying words and the power of words.
I know these scriptures, like (Proverbs 21:23) Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles, and (Colossians 4:6) Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
That means, don’t just say things without even thinking about it.
Because of this, I found myself in a situation. I made a mistake. Yes, me! I’m human. However, we must be careful about what we say about other people. I took the bait, and I wasn’t thinking. I spoke some negative words about a person to another person, and I knew better. I was full of guilt after I said it. And of course, the words I spoke got back to the other person.
I have learned my lesson.
Once you speak the words, you can’t take them back. You can’t make someone disregard something you said. So be very careful of the words you say.
Like my mama said, If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.